Thursday, May 8, 2008


Things went pretty well for Steve yesterday. He got a full tour of the facilities and set up in his new room. Right now, he doesn't have a roommate, but he may get one down the line. The room is smaller, and it's in an older building, but MaryAnn said it was nice. They did a sonogram on Steve's legs yesterday to check for clots and that came back negative. Awesome. Some of Steve's ICU nurses came down to visit him yesterday. After a month with him, they missed him.

Today they are demolishing the building next to the center, something that we were talking about with Steve last week when we were in the gym with his incredible physical therapists, Carol and Briana. They got permission to bring Steve back up today so that they can watch the wrecking ball together, even though Steve is no longer their patient.

In his new space, he will be getting a lot of physical therapy to help keep his muscles active. Hopefully, he had a restful night last night. As for the concerns that I wrote about yesterday, after spending the day getting acquainted, MaryAnn felt much more comfortable with the change. I expect an update from MaryAnn later today. She and Joe are in respiratory classes until late this afternoon.