Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Steve is leaving ICU today. His departure is not because he is so much better, but because the staff strongly feels that, emotionally, Steven needs to be around other people his own age. Hopefully, the company will do him well. Unfortunately, he will be confronted with the fact that most of the people around him will be able to do a lot more than he can. MaryAnn and Joe have been told that Steven is in God's hands regarding what abilities will come back to him.

The doctor is going to check his trachea and throat in a few days. We just hope and pray that at least one vocal cord works--which would give him the ability to talk and swallow. Please, please channel your energy toward this goal. Beyond that, the next miracle we are praying for is that he will have the ability to breathe on his own.

Steven had a fever this morning and he was very upset and uncomfortable when MaryAnn and Joe arrived. Once he is out of ICU--many of the monitors that he has had will be gone, he will only have a heart monitor. It's a big jump going from "intensive care" to the floor so we are just hoping he still gets the attention that he needs right now. The Shepherd Center has been amazing and we have every reason to believe that all of his needs will be met--but the change is just scary. And unfortunately, MaryAnn and Joe are in classes all day tomorrow, starting at 8:30. These classes will help them learn how to tend to Steven's medical needs. It's less than ideal timing since it will be Steve's first full day in the new environment with a new staff.

With everything going on, Mare and I are not sure how much we will be able to talk in the next day or so, but obviously, I will let you guys in on any news once I have it.