Thursday, May 8, 2008

5.8.08 Steve's injury

I have deliberately left things vague as to Steven's condition until we had more information. However, at this point, Steve and his family have a clear sense of what his future could hold.

First off, as you know, Steven's injury is a C2. This is pretty much as bad as it can get in terms of a spinal cord injury. A typical prognosis for a C2 is life on a ventilator. It is very possible that Steven will not recover any movement below his neck. We do not know yet whether he will regain his ability to talk or eat.

Obviously, we remain hopeful for the best possible scenario, but his family also needs to be realistic about his condition. Joe, MaryAnn and Kris just wanted to make sure that everyone is clear on this information. And they express their deepest gratitude for your continued prayers and support.