Sunday, May 11, 2008


Sorry for the delay in my post, I was at my mom's house on Long Island, and you know what that means...yup, no online access (however she does promise to buy a computer within the month, so sit tight, Grandma's going cyber soon).

Anyway, Steve was doing okay today. Unfortunately, he had a fever again. Not as high as yesterday, but it was about 101 when MaryAnn left tonight. They haven't given him any nourishment yet; they want to make sure that his digestion issues are taken care first. All around, it's just been a tough 48 hours. So basically, I am going to try and do a little something here. MaryAnn had a rough Mother's Day, as you might imagine. I am hoping that I can harness the power of Steve's people to bring MaryAnn some smiles, and hopefully, in the process, we will get a few grins from Steve too. How does that saying go, "Love me, love my mom" or something like that? (I might be making that up, but go with me here.)

Please share your posts like, "Steve's mom is so cool because....." For instance, I could start you out with, "MaryAnn is so cool because she was enough years older than me that I didn't have to go to high school with her and say, "Yeah that 5'10", blonde, blue-eyed girl, yeah, that's my sister." Get it? Or, "Steve's mom is so cool because she owns Dance Dance Revolution and can do it pretty well provided she's not laughing hysterically." Feel free to run with it. The goal: smiles, smiles, smiles. And as always, I thank you. xo Aunt Jean.

PS--Reminder: If you would like to get a Steve-O shirt, tomorrow is the deadline. Please contact Courtney (256) 755-7585/(256) 828-9325 or Thank you!