Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Steve is getting measured today for his own wheelchair--he'll be able to pick out the one that he wants. Although I am sure he'd like the all-terrain model, I imagine he may need to start out with something that will have more maneuverability through the house.

Yesterday in the gym he used a bicycle that allowed his legs to move. He asked if he could work out his arms and he was able to use a machine that held up his arms and allowed them to move. One of therapists commented on his precision steering his wheelchair pretty close to the wall, and MaryAnn replied "Yup, that's Steven." Apparently, a while back there was a contest to see who could pull farm equipment into the barn really close to the wall. No surprise, Steven did exceptionally well.

He has a group activity in the gym today; I hope the socialization is inspiring for him. He has been sleeping through the night--which is awesome. Until he gets used to it, I am sure the gym routine is going to be exhausting.