Wednesday, April 30, 2008

4.30.08 Evening

The chills have come again. And they are awful.

Steve had a solid day, he was in the chair for about five hours, but then around 4 PM, he started to feel cold again. The infectious disease doctor was in a little while ago, and he said that there wasn't any sign of a major infection. He has two minor infections, but the doctor didn't think they were serious enough to cause the fevers. The antibiotics that he is on are strong, so everyone seems confident that they will eliminate whatever is still in his system. Otherwise, the doctor thought that he looked good, was glad that Steve was so alert and that his legs showed no indication of clots. He is going to be keeping track of Steve's progress now also.

The plan for tomorrow is to put Steve onto a portable ventilator and take him on a tour of the floor, which would include the gym down to hall. He's been in this room for a month and I think the staff feels that getting him out of it would be good for his spirits. Of course this is dependent on how he feels in the morning.

All I can say is, Steve is the biggest champion on the planet for enduring what he is going through right now.