Monday, April 28, 2008


Steve looked great yesterday and for most of the day--he did well. He was in his chair for about five hours. But around 4 PM, things turned for him. The fever came back, and he started feeling unbearably cold. He was really uncomfortable. MaryAnn and Joe stayed with him until late again.

Some of the culture results came back negative and we are waiting for the rest of the results today. They did start him on antibiotics yesterday. They are also going to examine the infection around his trach. Hopefully, the antibiotics will kick any lingering infections out of his system, the fevers will subside and Steve will be more comfortable. I know this is what we are all pulling for.

On a different note, one that hopefully will bring a smile to Steve's face, I've been thinking about some of you guys too. In the same way that you have been so invested in Steven, I have come to feel somewhat invested in your lives as well. Steve, I thought you might just get a kick out of your worlds coming together like this. Like...Holly and Jamie, congrats on your wedding! I saw the beautiful invitation when I was at MaryAnn's house last month. And Jason-I now actually get up some morning and wonder, "Hm, did they had the baby yet?" I can't wait to receive the news--I expect a comment here.

Steve, I'll be seeing you tomorrow afternoon. When I tell Sadie that I am coming to see you she says, "I want to see him." Once you are settled back in at home, we'll come on down so that she can sing you the ABCs over and over and over again. Maybe before then, I'll try and teach her "Take the money and run." Or even better, "Sweet Home Alabama". I love you. Feel good today.