Wednesday, April 23, 2008

4.23.08 Steve with April and Lex Luger

First off I have to say: thank you, thank you, thank you. We had a record number of comments yesterday and they were all great, conversational posts that let Steve in on what everyone is up to. Awesome work you guys.

Steve had an up and down day yesterday. He had a fever again. He is adjusting to the blood pressure medication, which allows him to sit up a little more than he could without it. He did his arm, leg, neck and eye exercises. At the end of the night, he said that he didn't want to talk anymore, he just wanted to watch The Deadliest Catch, possibly his new favorite show. (Did you hear that Uncle Joe? Dude! You know what they say...You can take the boy out of Montauk, but you can't take Montauk out of the boy.)

Here are two photos that April sent me yesterday. The first is a great shot of Steve and April, the second, yup, you guessed it, wrestler Lex Luger.