Saturday, April 19, 2008

4.19.08 Morning

So far this morning, Steve's doing well. They have not moved him to the chair yet, which is where he tends to have trouble, so fingers crossed, he'll stay just as strong seated. His fever is down but not gone. Hey, that's progress, and we'll take it! He didn't sleep much last night so he's very tired.

When I spoke with MayAnn, Kris, Ashley and April were visiting with him. Apparently Kris walked into the room first and Steve's response was "Where's Ashley?" I think that's a clear indication that the sister-in-law to be get's two thumbs up from Steve. Nicely done Kris.

I'm sure the company today will keep his spirits high. And tomorrow, Nana and Aunt Karen will be seeing him (they will be in Atlanta through next weekend), so he's looking at a whole lotta love. Not to mention all of you very loyal and wonderful friends and family who keep supplying uplifting messages and stories. Massive, massive thanks.