Friday, April 25, 2008


Steve had a good day yesterday. Medically speaking, he was stable--he had no fever as of last night and his body is adjusting to his blood pressure medication. As for his emotions--he was homesick. He misses everyone.

If everything remains stable like this, it looks like there is a chance that he will be moved out of ICU and to a new room next week. That is some very exciting news, huh?

The biggest discomfort for Steve yesterday was that he was still feeling really cold, like he was freezing. They had him all wrapped up trying to bring him some warmth.

Kris will be pulling into town again today, so that is sure to make him happy. And I think that April is going to be with him too. I have a halo-less photo, but the quality is poor since it was a phone photo so Kris is going to send me a better one this weekend. Also, I know that someone asked about his address, and it's in my post for 4.2.08. It's labeled at the right side of the post list. I'll send a new address once he's in his new room.

Steve, your body is getting stronger everyday thanks to your determination and commitment. You truly are AMAZING!!

Everyone else, let's bring the love once again.