Sunday, April 6, 2008


Steve got into the chair again today for two hours! He looks great; the scar on his chin is healing nicely.

Unfortunately, he is still having a difficult time breathing due to the infection in his lungs. Tomorrow he will have a chest x-ray, which should tell us more about the state of the infection. Additionally, the staff infection remains a concern. It has not gotten any worse, but it's still there. He continues to have regular visits from his therapists. He was a little down today, although thankful for the visits from Kris and Ashley and Uncle Joe and Grandpa.

MaryAnn and Joe continue to be at his side at every point they are able. I cannot stress enough what extraordinary parents they have been, but you probably already know that. They have kept a constant watch over him, while also considering the changes that need to take place at their home. Please pray that they sleep soundly and peacefully and get some much, much-needed rest.