Wednesday, April 9, 2008

4.9.08 Evening

Steve rocked it by sitting in his chair for 3 hours today. Whooo hooooo.

He's nervous about his operation in the morning, which is a pretty major surgery ( it's scheduled for 7:30). Please send all of your love and prayers his way (I expect nothing less from all you love-filled fans of his anyway, but I just had to say it.)

I'm sure Steve will be glad to see April when he wakes up tomorrow afternoon.

I wish I had more to say. Oh I guess I could say that I am still compiling some music mixes for him, so if you have any idea of things that he will find humorous and/or inspiring and won't drive him crazy as he lays in bed, please let me know (Kris Thank you for your suggestions earlier this week).
So far, my selections skate a fine line between cool and cheeseball. Thanks Team Steve-o.