Wednesday, April 30, 2008

4.30.08 Morning

The results of the CT scan indicate that there is no abscess or infections in Steve's throat. Also, the doctor listened to his lungs and said that they sound good. If there was an abscess, they were going to need to do surgery again, so this is amazing news.

Steve was sleepy when we got in; I think maybe he didn't sleep for some of the night. His fever was 101 but he said that again, he was "so cold." They just put him into his chair, and they are getting him situated. He's still a bit cold, though his temperature is normal now. We're going to layer him up so that he feels good.

I am going to try and cheer him up with excerpts from my seventh grade journal. One entry is about the day he was born. I wish I could say that any of it was interesting, but it's so boring, it's kinda funny.

PS--Welcome to the world Logan! Congratulations to Jason and Stephanie.