Wednesday, April 2, 2008

4.1.08 Steven's arrival at Shepherd

Steve was really nervous about the transport--he didn't sleep Monday night (I'm sure the lightening storm didn't help). But we had blue skies for the drive and he slept almost all the way there. We met his doctor, Dr. Bilsky, who is also the medical director at Shepherd. We like Dr. Bilsky: he's got a casual way about him, he was born in Queens and he likes the Giants.

He was also very realistic about Steve's condition. He said that Steve has a lot to overcome. We know that right now he is suseptable to infection. He had some very small sores which they are taking care of. The new ICU is a subdued environment with only eight rooms. Steve has a large room with hardwood floors and a window off to the side. It's quiet which is good because he is going to be worked and Bilsky stressed that he is going tired and need lots of rest. He said that when they get to it, they will work on Steve sitting up, for about 15 minutes at a time, and that is going to exhaust him.

The did some basic exams on him today and they will continue to do more over the next couple of days. He is also going to have regular visits from physical, occupational and speech therapists.. As I mentioned earlier, this "team" will then give MaryAnn and Joe their evaluation of where Steve is at and how they will move forward.

It's clear that Shepherd's is a great place and is exactly where he should be. It's also a very intense place. They are many different folks with varying degrees of physical abilities. When we first walked in there were two young adults in small wheelchairs talking, a guy in athletic shorts and a girl with a yellow lab, and they could have been any of Steve's friends. But then there are other kids with more serious conditions and reality sets in.

Steve was very tired today. After the doctor met with him he said "I'm in bad shape." I told him that it was going to take a lot of time and he was going to need to be patient. The trip and the exams seemed to exhaust him, he slept through most of MaryAnn and Joe's evening visit.

MaryAnn and Joe settled into the Residence Inn in Buckhead. We made a quick stop at the housing provided, and it wasn't exactly what they had expected. So now they are only a little farther from the center, but now someone else will be making their bed. Not bad.

(sorry for the delayed post, my flight tonight was three hours delayed and I didn't get home until almost 2:30 a.m. if you'll keep reading, i'll keep blogging.)