Monday, June 9, 2008


A bit later than expected, but I'm glad to report that Steve was more comfortable today than he has been over the past few days. Kris is staying with him again tonight. Tomorrow during PT, Steve's going to get on the bike that will put electrodes onto his muscles. He is really excited about that.

Tomorrow will mark 79 days that Steven has been living in a hospital room. 24 hours a day--you can just imagine the boredom. Everyone has been so good about providing positive messages or just admitting how boring things are on their end, and once more, I am going to ask for you to share your tales. Seriously, I want big numbers on the Comments. Steve needs you. I know that he and MaryAnn are running out of topics to cover.

And since we are not sure how firm the June 18th release date is, Steve is likely going to need some company too. My brother (Uncle Joe) wants to rent a van for a bunch of friends to drive to Atlanta together. (Of course, van and gas paid for). Uh, road trip to see one of the most awesome friends you know? Hello. I'd take him up on it fo' sure. So bear that in mind.