Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Steve was upset yesterday afternoon. He has so much on his mind, a million thoughts and concerns. We tell him to be positive and patient and to take one day at a time. It's so tough.

He fell asleep around 8 and slept well for the first half of the night. But he was up intermittently starting from about 3 AM on. At about five this morning, they took his temp and he had a fever of 101. Damn, he had been doing so well on the fever front. But by eight, it was 98.4. They took a ton of cultures, and my fingers are crossed that it was just an isolated thing and not the sign of an infection. Oh and to even the Mozart out, we listened to a live Ozzy Osbourne album this morning. We talked about shows we've been too and Steve smiled at Ozzy chatting up the audience.

He had PT this morning. Katie put electrodes onto his leg muscles and the muscles contracted. That doesn't mean that he can feel anything, but it does mean that his muscles are responsive—which is a positive sign. Also, he's making progress with his neck exercises. He can move his head slightly left and right, and you can see his neck muscles working. That's a huge improvement.

It's hard for Steve to feel good about these small milestones, when he so desperately wants the basic functions of breathing, talking, and, eating. He does have a swallowing test scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. So please, please continue your endless prayers, and sending your hopes and energy toward these vital functions.