Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Steve did a mile on the bike yesterday. The way that this particular bike works is that it is powered automatically but it doesn't have the electrodes, so it's basically designed to move Steve's legs which help with spasms. A mile! MaryAnn said that he looks really good (no doubt in anticipation of his friends' upcoming visit this weekend).

MaryAnn is adjusting to the portable vent that they have switched Steve to in anticipation of his return home. I have to say, MaryAnn, who hated hospitals before all of this, has become quite the impressive pro in her mastery of Steve's medical needs. She's always been my amazing big sister, but in essentially becoming Steve's nurse, she's been absolutely incredible--it's beyond words. BEYOND WORDS.

And Steve's had a good stretch lately, which we are so thankful for. I know that the company this weekend will be great for his spirits too. Thanks everyone!