Saturday, June 21, 2008


Steve and Mare made their way alone (a very big deal) up to the ICU yesterday so that Steve could visit his old nurses. They had been hounding him to come see them, so they were all psyched to see him.

Sharon, MaryAnn's friend from Minnesota, arrived for a visit last night. For those of you who don't know, Sharon is mom to Steve and Jeff (twins) and Lisa. Kris and Steve grew up with these guys on Long Island and they've stayed tight since. Anyway, Sharon got some laughs out of Steve and had one of her boys on the phone with Steve too.

And as you know, Steve had a big day today with a visit from six Huntsville friends. Also, Kris was coming to, and April, so a busy weekend indeed. I am supposed to talk to MaryAnn this afternoon so I will be able to give you an update later.