Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Steve's not feeling well today. When I spoke with MaryAnn about an hour ago, he was back in bed. She said that the first thing that Steve said to her when she arrived was, "Call respitory, I can't breathe." He had a lot of secretions in his lungs. He was sleeping when we talked and MaryAnn was trying to use the time to do some research on his respitory equipment for home.

MaryAnn and Joe are dealing with the massive stress of Steven needing to leave Shepherd and the house not being ready. Insurance won't allow him to stay at the Center any longer, and they haven't been able to start framing the house. And of course, when they get home, they need to have all of the equipment in place. It's more stress than any of us can imagine. We're hoping for a miracle that everything will pull together in time.

As for Steve, I'm thrilled to report that he had big, big smiles yesterday when three of his friends from home--Stults, Dirty and Bubby--surprised him while he was in the gym. His occupational therapist spoke to his physical therapist about him having a little more time with his friends, so he actually got permission to "cut" physical therapy. Stults said this made it just like old times (of course, this just meant that Steve would do the exercises later with MaryAnn, so he wouldn't miss being active for the day). I know that I ribbed Stults about not showing over the weekend, so props for making good. Thanks to all of you guys for bringing the unexpected and much needed smiles. Awesome, awesome.

Hopefully, as I write this, Steve is feeling better. Let's pool our collective energy and pull for this to be true!