Monday, June 23, 2008


Yesterday marked three months since the accident. Three months seems like an eternity I know, but remember that in the scope of spinal cord recovery, it's still early. Steve, on behalf of your family of hope here, I want to remind you that you are in the hearts and minds and prayers of everyone here as much today as on every other day of your recovery. Again, we're not going anywhere. We believe in you and we know you believe in you. Keep practicing those neck and swallowing exercises! As Lorenzo says, keep focusing on moving one thing. You never know when your day is going to come. Be patient and keep believing. We love you.

As for Steve's day yesterday, Kris and Ashley were able to stay until the late afternoon. Steve felt pretty good for most of the day, although by evening, his face felt very, very warm. They say that with time, these temperature extremes will level off some. That day can't come soon enough considering how uncomfortable it makes Steve.

April left at 6 PM, but was back 20 minutes later saying she just couldn't leave Steve. Thanks Paula for looking after Kylie so that April could stay another night. And April, thank you. Simply and massively, thank you.

I have to check in with Joe on the homestead, I know that things were slowed because of a termite issue. I assume that things are back on track now that the exterminator was there. Wishing you a productive and issue-free week Joe and crew!