Sunday, June 8, 2008


To Bill Miller, I know you don't want attention focused on you here on Steve's blog, but I just want to say thank you (and thank you Carol too). And I know that Steve would want to thank you also. Your thorough and thoughtful comment came at the perfect time, offering meaningful encouragement and inspiration. I know that MaryAnn read your comment to Steve yesterday and he was very interested. He wasn't feeling well so she is going to read it to him again today. And Joe, Steve's dad, has your contact info and is going to be reaching out to you. (BTW, to answer your question, the doctor said that Steve's airway was healing fine, no complications there.)

Unfortunately, Steve was in bed all day yesterday, he had a fever of 101 and he said that he had leg pains. He got to see Kylie briefly. Kylie was shy, which is not uncommon for her, but she did yell "I love you" to him from the doorway.

Steve had another scary episode on Friday night, his trach became clogged when the techs where turning him.The rushed the crash cart down to revive him. MaryAnn was informed by another patient that this was the second time that Steve was without air long enough to require these measures. No wonder why he sleeps better when someone stays with him at night.

April left yesterday, but Kris is coming today and will stay with Steve overnight. When I spoke with MaryAnn at 9:30 today, she said that Steve was still sleeping. We hope that he is going to feel good enough to get into the chair today.

As for the homefront, building will start on the house tomorrow. Joe asked for me to note that I may send out a request for "All Hands on Deck" for anyone willing and able to help move the construction along.

And Joe sent an email out to his contacts within government agencies, trying to find software that will help Steve communicate better. Among the many helpful responses that Joe received was an email from Steven Hawking's office. Talk about calling in the big guns! Pretty cool huh?

Let's all pray for a better day for Steve. Thank you everyone. I am continually moved by your loyalty and love.