Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Steve had a solid day yesterday. No temperature, slept well the night before, and he was feeling good. When I spoke to Joe last night, it was around 8 and they were gearing up for Steve to get back into bed.

Joe and Steve Willet did the overnight with Steve last night. They were all up a lot; it was not the most restful night. But Steve's feeling okay at the moment. MaryAnn is giving him his breathing treatment and the nurse, Tracy is there.

Tonight's movie night. Awesome. Dudes filling the man cave, I love it. I keep threatening to bring Sixteen Candles for movie night next week.

MaryAnn and I talked about the blog a little bit and what would be the best frequency. We are thinking that maybe a post once a week would be better--this way I am not calling everyday, sometimes twice a day for details. They have their hands full 24/7. That doesn't mean that you can't leave comments throughout the week, especially those of you who don't get to see Steve regularly. Steve still needs to hear from every one of you. Everyone!!

Also, please stay tuned for my list of resources which I will be adding to my profile page. There have been a number of books that I have come across in the last few months which offer some interesting insight and practical nuts and bolts information about spinal cord injuries. Some of you might be interested in checking them out. Once again, thank you, thank you.