Monday, July 14, 2008


Steve slept most of yesterday--he was not feeling good. Today is going to be a hectic day for MaryAnn as she tries to make sure they have everything needed for home.

MaryAnn would like to thank the principal and teachers from her school for their ongoing support and prayers. They have organized preparing meals for eight consecutive nights once MaryAnn returns home. This generosity of heart and time has helped the family, and especially MaryAnn, greatly. Thank you.

A while ago someone asked whether I would be continuing this blog once Steven is home. And all I can say is as long as you keep reading, I'll keep writing. Once Steve and MaryAnn are settled in, we will figure out what kind of frequency makes the most sense.

The next 48 hours are going to be a time of intense emotion and transition. Please pray for peace for MaryAnn, Joe and Steven as they make their way home.