Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Steve's on his way home...

After 105 days, Steven and MaryAnn have left the Center. As of 11:15 eastern time, MaryAnn was 40 miles from Chattanooga, and then they have another hour and a half from there. April drove over to Atlanta with Joe and Steve Willet last night. Steven was totally surprised! So April is driving back in the truck with MaryAnn and Joe is in the ambulance cab (he's not allowed to ride in back--it's a liability.)

If I were a better techie, I would post the photo of Steve's empty room at the Center that April had texted to me. It made me cry. It's overwhelming.

I just talked to Kris who was up and at the house at 6:30 this morning. He was setting things up, mopping the floor, going to the supermarket, getting Steve another TV, taking Skippy for a bath, getting a haircut himself, etc, etc. He said that the crew essentially built another house in three weeks. It's about 1,600 square feet. I am sure, detailed photos will follow.

I told MaryAnn that I wouldn't call tonight (I had also told her that I wouldn't call today-but I couldn't help myself, I just needed to know that she was on the road). But this time I mean it. Tonight is their night to settle back in at home as a family. A family who I know have inspired us all.