Friday, July 18, 2008


As of last night around 10 PM, Steve was feeling good. He had friends visiting throughout the day, the support is wonderful. The family doctor came by yesterday and said that he would be willing to make house calls, run tests as needed, etc. That provided a tremendous peace of mind. Today, a prospective nursing agency is due to come by the house, so we're really hopeful that they will be a solid fit. in the meanwhile, MaryAnn and Joe continue to be extremely grateful for Donald's guidance.

Unfortunately, the loaner chair that they were given is too narrow for Steven, so he remains unable to get around the house. Hopefully his chair will get to them quickly.

I'll try and get some new photos up soon. Ohhhh KKKKrrrrrriiiissss? Can you help a sista out? Or, an aunt as the case may be? xo