Thursday, March 27, 2008

3.27.08 Good News this morning!

We just found out the results of the MRI. Steven has swelling in the spinal cord, but there is nothing severed! That is amazing news!!Additionally, there is no pressure on the cord. Awesome news again! And the MRI also confirmed that there is no brain injury, which we already knew.

Steven was very tired during the morning visit today. The fatigue could be because he was sedated for the MRI last night or because he has started to take some small breaths on his own! The respirator is set at 12, and it indicates that 27 breaths are being taken (I am not sure the time frame) So, Steven is taking quite a few breaths on his own. WHAT A DAY AND IT'S STILL EARLY!

During visitation, he asked his mom "Why can't I talk?" She told him that he had a trach tube. He asked why. She told him that it was to help him breathe. He asked Kris "What happened?" Kris told him that he flipped his jeep and that it landed on him. Kris said that Jesse Lee lifted it off of him. He then closed his eyes. He seemed very tired. Apparently when Johnny walked in though he perked up again and smiled. That kid really seems to have anti-depressant qualities. You better stick around Johnny.

We still do not know for sure when Steve will be transferred to Atlanta--it could be tomorrow or Monday. Will let you know as soon as we know more.