When MaryAnn and Joe went in to see Steven, they asked who he wanted to see (a good number of his friends were in the waiting room). He replied that he wanted to see everyone. So all of his friends lined up two by two, and we filed 20 people through his room in the 20 minutes allotted.
He looks really good this afternoon, the swelling in his face is so reduced that he is really starting to look like his old self. Again, the biggest challenge is communication. It's so hard to understand what he is trying to say.
The nurses must have changed his radio station, MaryAnn heard a boy band playing in the background. She asked if he wanted the station turned back and he said yes. So now he is back to listening to rock 'n' roll in the ICU. (Did I mention that last night when I told him that Guns n Roses were on, he said "Turn it up.") Rock on Steve-o, you're doing great.