Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3.26.08 4:30 Visit

Once again, Steve had a good crowd for the afternoon visiting hours. Jesse, the man who saved Steven's life by single-handedly pulling his jeep off of him, came by and got soggy hugs and thank yous from Steve's mom, aunts and grandmothers. Thank you just doesn't begin to express our gratitude. When Jesse got to see Steve, Steve asked for him to "Keep in touch." And actually, I suspect that is a message that Steve would give to everyone in the waiting room if he could only see you all.

Communication continues to be challenging, but Ashley (Kris's fiance) is very good at reading his lips. She was able to translate for Jason as Steve talked to him. Steve asked, "Are you working in the shop?" (no doubt wanting to talk Jeep), "Who's out there? [in the waiting room]" and "Tell everyone thanks for coming."

He had a fair amount of laughs as Grandma and Nana explained how, when left home alone together, they messed up the washing machine and overate candy. Nana also told him that they did his laundry, and that his socks have too many holes.

We needed to get Steve high top sneakers to keep his feet flexed, and I told him that I was able to find a cool pair of baby blue wrestling shoes, and so he'll be styling. He said "Perfect."

He told April that he loved her and asked about Kyle. April told him that Kyle was fine, but wanted for him to play Barbies with her.

On the medical front, we learned that the bacteria in his lungs shows no infection and so he was taken off antibiotics earlier today--whoo hoo! He has not had any morphine since this morning, which we take as a good sign also. He was tired at the end of the visit, and seemed ready for some peaceful sleep.

His spirits are definitely lifted by seeing his friends so please continue to come and bring out that beautiful smile.