Hi all! This is a photo that I took on the grounds of a monastery that was built in 1759. Like you, I think of Steven all the time and so this is a spot where I said a prayer for him and took a photo of the well-worn bracelet that Sarah, Ashley's sister, made me oh so many months ago.
Yesterday the crew was heading out on Steve's first trip to Kris's house! I hope to get more details on that later, but I am sure that the change of scenery and the comforts of his brother's home were great for Steve.
MaryAnn and Joe hope to have an appointment with the eye doctor soon. The new doctor, whose office is wheelchair accessible, is hoping to squeeze Steve in the next week or two. Steve desperately needs a new prescription so this is great, great news.
Last Sunday Steve was able to practice maneuvering his wheelchair in the driveway. It was still very warm, but he was able to cruise around for sa bit. He apparently switched the chair into high gear and took off so fast that Joe and Kris had to chase him. And of course, once they caught him, he was laughing. As the weather cools, I am sure there will be more tales like this one. Classic Steven.
More soon. xo Aunt Jean