Monday, November 3, 2008


Steve had another doctor appointment last week. This was the rescheduled appointment with the ear, nose and throat specialist and the pulmonologist. The preliminary news is not good. The doctor feels that there is something similar to scar tissue, suppressing things in the back of Steve's throat. He said that he would need to operate and remove that in order to assess the rest of Steve's throat function. He also wanted to do more research and gather more information and get back to them.

Since Steve's swallowing still results in liquids flowing into his lung, the doctor was not in favor of the double cuff trach tube which can, in some cases, allow speaking. So we are holding out hope that we can find promising information for alternatives and of course, praying that function will just return on its own with time.

Friends were over yesterday to celebrate Johnny's birthday which was great for Steve's spirits. Regular visits from a few close friends are what really sustain him these days. They make a big, big difference. On Wednesday, he'll have lots of company when Uncle Joe and Debbie come to visit--along with Bryan who turns that day, and Patrick who is three. I think it's going to be a great time! The boy are so excited to see Steve, not to mention the big love and smiles from Joe and Deb. Have a great time everyone!