Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Steve got his new glasses yesterday. They improve his vision a little. When they got back to the house, Steve was using the sip and puff to drive his chair in the driveway. When MaryAnn saw him cutting close to her car, she figured he was messing around with her--typical Steve. And then he got faster, heading down the driveway. Again, she thought he was kidding around. But what had happened was that the straw of the sip and puff was too far into his mouth and so he couldn't operate it correctly. He couldn't stop. He got the the end of the driveway, and the wheels on the one side went over the lip--and he fell. The chair tipped and the head piece released his head because it got mangled in the fall and his head came forward. MaryAnn and April ran down to him. A neighbor came over to help. Luckily, his vent tube did not come off and he did not sustain any injuries beyond a scratch on the leg.

It's been a tough week and when that's the case, I don't know what to write. Steve's been down. Very sad. He hasn't wanted to watch movies or television. If you're reading this I know you care deeply about Steven, and I know we all struggle with how to be there for him when we aren't able to be with him physically. And even when we are, we cannot know his experience, which makes it difficult to know what to say. But we try right? That's our job. To bring him hope and all of our love. To at least try, in any way we can.

And on that note, I send my gratitude to my brother and sister-in-law, Joseph and Debbie, and my high school friends Stacey and Gene (yes, Steven's coolness transcends his youthful years and allowed friendships to flourish with friends as old as me) for hosting events in honor of Steven this weekend. The whole eastern end of Long Island will be flush with thoughts, prayers and love for Steve. I 'm pretty sure there'll be enough Long Island volume and power in those crowds to carry south and shine directly on you Steven. I'm sure.